Built for Simple,
Scalable Growth

The best tool hosting your SaaS project
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IT development and deployment services


Everything you need to launch your SaaS

SaaS web templates ready to go

Everything you need to launch your SaaS with templates ready to go, out-of-the box.

Build your company, Not Infrastructure

Don't waste time building out and managing infrastructure – launch on Dome and leave that part to us.

Use the tooling you love, or don't

With 1-click integrations, you can use whatever tooling you have in your stack, or start from scratch and keep it simple.

A community of builders

Find support form a community of other indie hackers and solopreneurs building on Dome.


Build applications from your Git repo, Docker image, template, or AI builder

And we take care of the complicated infrastructure.

Dome is a painless part of your rapid development stack

Time Saved: 2 hrs

DNS records

Time Saved: Days of headaches

Deploying and Configuring Scalable Cloud

Time Saved: 6 hrs

Security Setup


Monitor your metrics effortlessly

Keeping track of metrics for your app's performance is crucial. That's why Dome provides you with a comprehensive, real-time dashboard that puts all the important information at your fingertips.

With just a glance, you can stay on top of performance trends and make informed decisions quickly, ensure you seamless operations and keep your applications running smoothly.


Automatically scale your applications

You need to ensure your users avoid slowdowns and have consistently high-performance web experiences, but you don't need focus on manually configuring your resources.

Dome delivers the resources you need exactly when you need them, freeing you up to focus on your business not scaling and predicting traffic surges.

From idea to product in minutes, not months

Work with all your favourite frameworks,
and any no-code app builders.
* No credit card needed