AI SaaS Launcher Product Hunt Recap: Our Journey to #2

Thom Crowe
Aug 26, 2024
Discover how we launched AI SaaS Launcher on Product Hunt, reaching #2 product of the day. Learn from our strategies, key insights, and how we turned a successful launch into sustained growth for our AI-powered MVP builder.

We've had a pretty wild couple of weeks since we launched AI SaaS Launcher. Here's our story how we launched on Product Hunt. Buckle up, because this was a wild ride!

On Sunday, August 11, 2024, we hit the 'launch' button on Product Hunt for our AI SaaS Launcher - okay, we didn't hit launch, it was scheduled, but you get the point. This wasn't our first rodeo, following our SaaS Validation Template launch, so we had learned some things, read more, and had a successful launch.

Let's start with the stats - how'd we do?

šŸ… #2 product of the day
ā¤ļø 544 upvotes
šŸ’¬ 96 comments
šŸ“ 624 new users
šŸ™‹ 5,535 web visitors
āŗ 7,598 web sessions
šŸŽ‰ 25,902 web events
šŸ¦ 63 new X followers

We were thrilled with the results. Unlike our first launch, these weren't just vanity metricsā€”this time we made sure the launch translated into real value.

Results of our Product Hunt Launch for AIĀ SaaSĀ Launcher


Learning from Our First Product Hunt Launch

Back when we launched the SaaS Validation Template five months ago, it was like a firework - we had an explosion of activity, but it was over just as quickly. Zero signups, zero sales. It was a wake-up call. We realized that a high ranking on Product Hunt doesn't automatically mean success.

So, for AI SaaS Launcher, we flipped the script. We used Product Hunt as an intro to Dome and our launcher, not the end result. Our goal? Get people to actually try our product.

What is AI SaaS Launcher?

AI SaaS Launcher is our next-gen low-code solution that uses generative AI to build customizable MVPs. Even the product itself is different than our last template - we built AI SaaS Launcher as a platform to get people jumping in and using it as soon as possible. We let people dive right in before talking about payment. They build, they customize, they see the value - and then we give them option to purchase.

This approach was a hit! People saw how the platform worked, and signed up for Dome. We showed them how easy things could be and they responded.

Our Product Hunt Launch Strategy

First and, probably most importantly it bears repeating, Product Hunt wasn't our whole launch. But it was an important part of our overall launch plan.

Here's how we optimized for real success:
ā€¢ Warmed up our audience: We teased AI SaaS Launcher beforehand, building anticipation. We built a landing page on Product Hunt announcing the launch and drove people to it where they could click a `Notify` button. We wanted to make sure people were reminded in as many ways as possible about the launch
ā€¢ Build a waiting list: We started advertising on social media, paid ads and unpaid organic posts, about AI SaaS Launcher and drove traffic to a landing page with a very simple waiting list signup form. We had about 1,000 to notify the day of launch. Our primary goal was to get folks using the product, but we also let them know about the Product Hunt launch.
ā€¢ Influencer Outreach: We lined up influencers, follow-up content, and newsletter sponsorships so AI SaaS Launcher was everywhere on launch day.
ā€¢ Product Hunt launch support groups: We joined LinkedIn, Telegram, and Whatsapp groups of people who mutually support Product Hunt launches. This was important for the initial launch to get upvotes early and get featured.
ā€¢ Explainer videos and gifs: We created shareable videos and images showcasing AI SaaS Launcher in action. These were fun and simple ways to show just how simple AI SaaS Launcher really is. [Screen Studio]( made this so easy for us and has become one of my favorite tools!
ā€¢ Continued supporting content: We prepared blog articles (like our upcoming "Build vs. Buy" piece) to reinforce our message. We'll have content coming out, both content we make and from others, for weeks to come. It's important to remember your launch is part of a larger effort to get people using your product.
ā€¢ Get started early, which is actually late: We hit the ground running (at 2:00 am my time), messaging people for upvotes in those crucial first 4 hours. You don't want huge spikes (Product Hunt finds that suspicious and can ding you), and ours got a slightly later start, but we were featured early on as you can see in the graph here šŸ‘‡
ā€¢ Social media blitz: We tweeted and retweeted throughout the day, creating a buzz and showing appreciation for our supporters. Don't just post your own content, but share or retweet what others are saying - it shows them you appreciate what they have to say and want to help amplify their voice as well. Other people will see you retweeting and are more likely to tweet and tag you, knowing you'll share it.

Quick lessons for Product Hunt Launches

ā€¢ Set clear goals: Know what you want to achieve beyond just ranking.
ā€¢ Engage early: Build a community and engage with adjacent communities before the launch.
ā€¢ Ā Give users IMMEDIATE value: Let users experience your product right away.
ā€¢ Ā Pace your efforts: Don't blow all your steam in the first few hours.
ā€¢ Ā Content is king: It's kind of a cliche now, but it's still true. Have a variety of content ready to share and engage.

Our Twitter states skyrocketed and sustained after our launch

The Aftermath

Everything was great, but do you want to know the best part? It didn't fizzle out after launch day. We've seen sustained higher website traffic, continued signups, and a flood of valuable feedback. It's like we've opened a dialogue with our users, and they're helping us build AI SaaS Launcher.

We have a roadmap for the product that has user feedback. Another good thing about a roadmap, you have a reason to share your product again on social media and to email the people who signed up but didn't purchase - consider your product roadmap and updates as part of your nurture stream!

Google Analytics showed a big uptick in traffic on launch day

So, Should You Launch on Product Hunt?

Absolutely! But go in with a strategy. It's not just about the day-of vanity metrics; it's about taking that momentum you get from the Product Hunt Launch and continuing it to actually build long-term growth. The anxiety, stress, and excitement are all part of the package - and trust me, it's worth it.

Launching on Product Hunt is a different beast than your usually launches and you don't really know what it's like until you do it. But when you do, it's a game-changer.

So, are you ready to launch? Remember, it's not just about the launch - it's about what you do with the opportunity. Make it count!


While you're here, why not try the AIĀ SaaSĀ Launcher and see just how easily you can get your SaaS ready to launch?


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